Update v2575

I just released the first in a series of updates which will improve Chessplosion's online play.

Here are the patch notes for update v2575:

  • Online (Steam builds only): Rewrote code for starting online matches.
  • Online (Steam builds only): Fixed some issues with lobbies breaking after an online match fails to start.
  • Adventure: Enemies who plant bombs on top of other enemies' active explosions will no longer take damage from their own bomb.
  • Text: Small translation fixes.

And here's a progress update on some other future Chessplosion updates:

The next big update to come to the game will be the ability to spectate matches in lobbies, which I plan on releasing later this month. People have talked about wanting to run online Chessplosion tournaments, so hopefully this will make it easier to stream events! I'll be keeping an eye on the stability of Chessplosion's lobbies and general online play too, so playing against friends and running online tournaments can be as painless as possible.

The new extra single player mode is still on track for a release at the end of January 2022. It will add a ton of new content and replay value for people who prefer single player Chessplosion, and I'll try to sneak some new multiplayer maps and small extra single player features into the same update.

Thanks for playing the game, and please look forward to more updates in the future!

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